Tuesday, April 28, 2020

The Roaring 20s Dbq free essay sample

Just as he was an Elk, a Booster, and a member of the Chamber of Commerce, just as the priests of the Presbyterian Church determined his every religious belief and the senators who controlled the Republican Party decided in little smoky rooms in Washington what he should think about disarmament, tariff, and Germany, so did the large national advertisers fix the surface of his life, fix what he believed to be his individuality These standard advertised wares-toothpastes, socks, tires, cameras, instantaneous hot-water-heaterswere his symbols and proofs of excellence; at first the signs, then the substitutes, for joy and passion and wisdom. Document B Source: The Bridge by Joseph Stella, 1922 [pic] Document C Source: The World Most Famous Trial: Tennessee Evolution Case, 1925 Mr. Darrow: Do you claim that everything in the Bible should he literally interpreted? Mr. Bryan:I believe even thing in the Bible should he accepted as it is given there; some of the Bible is gi en illustratively. We will write a custom essay sample on The Roaring 20s Dbq or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page For instance: Ye are the salt of the earth. I would not insist that man was actually salt, or that he had flesh of salt, but it is used in the sense of salt as saving Gods people. Mr. Darro-: But when ou read that Jonah swallowed the whale-or that the whale swallowed Jonah-excuse me please-how do you literally interpret that, Mr. Bryan: One miracle is just as easy to believe as another. Mr. Darrow: Perfectly easy to believe that Jonah s\ allowed the whale? †¢.. Mr. Bryan:Your honor. I think I can shorten this testimony. The only purpose Mr. Darrow has is to slur at the Bible, but I will answer his question. I will answer it all at once, and I have no objection in the world. I want the world to kno that this man, who does not belies e in God, is trying to use a court in Tennessee Mr. Darrow: I ohect to that. Mr. Bryan: (Continuing) to slur at it, and while it will require time, I am willing to take it. Mr. Darrow:I object to sour statement. lam examining you on your fool ideas that no intelligent Christian on earth believes. Document D Source: Hiram Wesley Evans, The Klans Fight for Americanism, The North American Review, March 1926 We are a movement of the plain people, very weak in the matter of culture, intellectual support, and trained leadership. We are demanding, and we expect to win, a return of power into the hands of the ever da\ not highv cultured, not overly intellectualized, but entirely unspoiled and not dc-Americanized, a erage citizen of the old stock. Our members and leaders are all of this class-the opposition of the intellectuals and liberals who held the leadership, betrayed Americanism, and from whom we expect to wrest control, is almost automatic. This is undoubtedly a weakness. It lays us open to the charge of being hicks and rubes and drivers of second-hand Fords. We admit it. Far worse, it makes it hard for us to state our case and advocate our crusade in the most effecti e way, for most of us lack skill in language . The Klan, therefore, has now come to speak for the great mass of Americans of the old pioneer stock. We believe that it does fairly and faithfully represent them, and our proof lies in their support. To understand the Klan, then, it is necessary to understand the character and present mind of the mass of old-stock Americans. The mass, it must be remembered, as distinguished from the intellectually mongrelized Liberals. These are, in the first place, a blend of various people of the so-called Nordic race, the race which, with all its faults, has given the world almost the whole of modern civilization. The Klan does not try to represent any people but these. Document E Source: Langston Hughes, The Negro Artist and the Racial Mountain, The Nation, 1926 Jazz to me is one of the inherent expressions of Negro life in America: the eternal tom-tom beating in the Negro soul-the tom-tom of revolt against weariness in a white world, a world of subway trains, and work, work; the tom-tom of joy and laughter, and pain swallowed in a smile. Yet the Philadelphia club woman , turns up her nose at jazz and all its manifetations-likewise almost anything else distinctly racial She wants the artist to flatter her, to make the white world believe that all Negroes are as smug and as near white in soul as she wants to be. But, to my mind, it is the duty of the younger Negro artist, to change through the force of his art that old whispering I want to be white, hidden in the aspirations of his people, to Why should I want to he white? I am Negro-and beautiful Document F Source: Mary B. Mullett, The Biggest Thing That Lindbergh Has Done, October 1927 When, because of what we believe him to be, we gave Lindbergh the greatest ovation in history, we convicted ourselves of having told a lie aycut ourselves. For we proved that the thing of good report are the same today as they were nineteen hundred ears ago. We shouted ourselves hoarse. Not because a man had flown across the Atlantic Not even because he was an American But because he was as clean in character as he was strong and fine in hod; because he put ethics above any desire for wealth; because he was as modest as he was courageous; and because-as we now know, beyond any shadow of doubtthese are the things which we honor most in life. To have shown us this truth about ourselves is the biggest thing that Lindbergh has done.